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what are some of the best colleges in the world?

The first drawing is the symbol of MIT, the world's best college. When I say "the world's best", it isn't a metaphor. MIT was ranked number 1 in every research about universitises for the past ten years. Let me tell you more about MIT. First of all, MIT was built in 1861, made by W.B. Rogers, who thought that MIT could bring delevopment of science to the world. And it sure did. Mit produced 83 novel prize winners, 4 Pulitzer prize winners, and 11 billionaries. Its motto is "Mens et Manus", which means Mind and hands.

The second drawing is the symbol of Stanford university. I have been there 2years ago, and I remember it vividly. I have been guided by an actual student there, who was pretty kind and instructive(I have a photo with her). Anyways, Stanford university is the best university of the 21st century! It is like a rising star between the colleges, even though its history is pretty short(128years). Numerous great people graduated this college, including John.F.Kenedy, Tiger Woods, makers of google, Yahoo and the CEO of Microsoft. It has produced 28 billionaries in total. You must get high scores in SAT and ACT to get in here. Its acceptance is about 5 percent.

These colleges aren't schools for geniuses. People like you and me can get in there if you focus on pursuing dreams and study hard. I hope that some one on PEAI gets in to colleges like MIT or Stanford. Goodbye!

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