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What I Feel When I'm Alone In The Dark

Hello Person! Today I will talk about a current struggle which is i'm to scared to sleep alone.

Every night, i worry after all the lights are turned out. I only see darkness I suddenly get shivers down my spine. I reach for one of my dolls but I feel a monster. I think one of problems leading to this is that I watched a horror movie called 'Train to Busan' a few years ago and now I am haunted by it. I keep remembering scenes as soon as I shut my eyes. I feel like I smell rotten flesh. These days, I end up sleeping at about 1 in the morning. I usually have a pile of books beside me when I wake up. So I sleep late and wake up late. It's okay in break but if I go back to school, this will probably lead to me being late. I can't sleep easily. I usually read books 30 to 60 minutes. Most nights I beg my mom to sleep with me but now my mom says it's too uncomfortable and I again, find myself alone in the dark. I found a solution though. The first solution is sleeping before someone else does. This gives me a feeling that i'm not alone. And second, I don't open my eyes when I am scared. Well, that's it!:D

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