Melica dances and sings all day long, even though she is exhausted for an only goal; debut. Her throat hurts, her body aches, and her arm is covered in bruises from her never ending practices, but she keeps on practicing covered in sweat. Everyone tells her that she would debut soon, and cheers for her. However, weeks later, everyone seem to be cheering for someone else. She cannot debut, she fells in despair for the time and effort she had invested in.
Hello everyone! Today, I am writing a post about the Produce series which is a program in Mnet. For people who don't know what that is, the produce series is a survival competition program that a lot of trainees from different entertainment companies do show on stages and the people who watch that show vote on the trainee that they are willing them to debut and 11 or 12 people with the highest vote gets to debut. There were 4 programs in this series: Produce 101(girls), Produce 101(boys), Produce 48(Korean+Japanese girls), and Produce 101x(boys) and they each debuted by IOI, Wannaone, Izone, and X1.

But right now, the Produce series is found out that the WHOLE series' number of vote for each member was changed on purpose. The trainees from the companies that is close with Mnet had a higher number of vote and a higher rank than they were supposed to be, which means that the trainnes from the higher rank got a lower rank which sometimes even made some trainees that were supposed to debut could not. IOI and Wannaone had already disbanded before people found out the votes were mae up, but Izone and X1 which was a very popular idol group might disband togrther. People are so frustrated and angry since there might be the trainee that they voted for might not debuted, and both the trainees who debuted and did not debut never knew the votes were fake. How do you think: Should Izone and X1 disband too? Or should only the members that shouldn't debut only quit, or do you think it shouldn't change at all and continue as a same team?