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Youtube, should it exist?

Youtube, once a familiar app can, or rather might be banned in korea soon enough. Should it exist for the good of people or should it be banned for people's security? As many people debate on this topic, youtube should surely exist because of jobs and information.

The most important problem is youtube is banned is job loss. It is a fact that korea has a serious problem with jobs.There can be two kinds of people who loose jobs.well, of course there are youtubers.Once youtube is banned, youtubers loose their subscribers. This leads to people not being able to earn ANY money. Also there are managers. These people earn money by their 'leaders' but when those youtubers loose money, they are sure to loose their jobs. If their is another point, people in Sandbox will likely be fired from their jobs.

Another major problem is information. Many people give and take information in youtube, but when youtube is banned, we loose the info. This is a big problem because today, we are 'big data' based society. Data, or info, can be money, pride, or even treasure.If we ban youtube we are giving up our treasure. Also, youtube is a place where people share info. If this place is gone people can't give nor take any information needed for them. They can't know specifically by video nor explain things to another in need.

-Thank you-

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