Be a Star! Check out our puzzle!
October 3rd -Violet Kang-
Hi everyone!.... I can’t think of a topic! So, I went into wix.com, saw Seoin and Sarah’s blog, and thought of an idea! I will talk about...
A new bracelet, scrunchie
So, I went to a very big shopping mall (I don't know the name in english) on the weekends. And I bought three bracelets that I liked the...
Plants I have had
Tomato 1 So there was basically a school(?), and I got the tomato seeds from the school and I planted it after 2 months of stuck in my...
The D-Day of Peai coming on Tuesday!
Finally!! Everyone will know that on Tuesday, we finally go to Peai!!! It's so good when you go to Peai because you can study 1 hour...
Debate competiton
Suprisingly, I was also participating in the debate competition that took place last saturday. And since I remember more of it now, I...
So, today I went to school and I’m just here, 9 mins before I go into Seoin’s zoom and I am in Seoin’s zoom right now, but I am in the...
School Event!
There was a school event yesterday. The 5th grades and 6th grades were at the school field, all wearing blue or red uniforms. I was...
September 27th Blog -Violet Kang-
HI!! I hope everyone had a good Chuseok! I posted a blog saying that I will have a terrible Chuseok because of a math test that is right...
Debate Competition
So yesterday was the debate competition. Today is Sunday, it is break time at my Korean Academy zoom class. So basically, it is a...
My favorite/hate the most subject in school
One of my favorite subjects in school is math, P.E, and social studies. But, I prefer P.E the best because I like sports. I really like...
Sunny Lime who died and became a zombie(Rachel says so)(X HW)
HEllo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As Rachel thought, I have seen the blog before meeting her!! Right now, the...
This "Just-for-fun" post is exactly 200 words.
everyone! Finally, today is D-DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am preparing to meet Anne, Seoin, Sophia at some park at 12:00 today...
What memories had taught me
Subtitle: What projects had taught me. There were many projects here at PEAI, a lot of them. There were actually so many of them from 2nd...