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a long word
Hi! today, I'm just going to talk about some weird conversation with Seoin (I STILL don't know how to spell her name, and it took me ages...

40 reasons Why I do not like Mr. Brad
He is not funny He called Seoin crazy He called Sarah “Bronze” instead of “Silver” kk Oh I didn’t mean to laugh in #3 just a bit funny He...
<Anna wrote about yellow cow so I'm going to write that too hahaha>
Many(every single) people in our class know Yellow Cow(Thinking Yellow Cow). Well, I'm about to write about that(like Anna did)! I go to...
Why I was Absent Last Week
I was absent last week. I will tell you why. There is an academy called 'Thinking Bull.' I go there, like Rachel, Hailey, early days...
My weekly schedule
Hi, this is Emily(me)’s blog! Today I will write about my weekly schedule, since I can’t think of anything else. Hope you enjoy it!...
*Real Blog Post* Family Link -Rachel Kim-
Hello! This is my Real Blog Post! All of the previous ones do not contain Although and Therefore and Things, and this one does! A: What...